Author: Danielle

In these days of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the environment showed some improvement: the rivers looked clearer, the birds returned to the wetlands and beaches, various species showed up in their natural habitats, and the air we breathed reduced its level of pollution particles. However, this recovery - experts warn - will only be temporary if we do not learn from this experience and return to our activities without correcting many habits that affect the environment and, therefore, our health.

The difficult part is already decided: we are getting married! But many other questions remain unanswered and, perhaps, the first is: where? Here are some perfect scenarios for a fairytale wedding. CA L'IBORRA This magical place, very close to Barcelona, ​​offers style in abundance for modern and...

We love the delicacies that the Far East offers us, with exotic and suggestive Asian cuisine such as Thai, Chinese and Japanese. And we also allow ourselves to be seduced by the Middle East and its specialties, which are born from a Mediterranean culture that we share. In any case, we have selected excellent options for you to travel with your palate through Asia with just a metro card.

The Commonwealth of Australia is located on the continent of Oceania and is characterized by having a form of government mainly constitutional monarchy, accompanied by parliamentary federalism. It is one of the nations that share a historical past with Great Britain, due to the fact that it was previously occupied by a group of colonies from this country. It is a country with great biodiversity, famous and known for its striking and endemic fauna, made up of unique and large animals.